
The awful truth is that Absolute Truth is not knowable to a human mind. This comes as more of a shock for some of us than for others: those of us who were raised in a tradition claiming to possess Absolute Truth believed ourselves to be in a specially privileged “in group” until we learned otherwise.

If you, dear reader, have been led to believe that any human person, institution, tradition, religion, or conceptual framework is the sole and infallible expression of Absolute Truth, the awful truth is that you have been deceived.

Life has meaning.

Understanding the world requires awareness of its patterns.

Awareness begins with knowledge of one’s own nature and place in the universe.

Consciousness is universal; the level of an individual’s consciousness is defined by the individual’s ability to recognize and relate to the Other.

One function of life is to decrease its internal entropy by increasing local entropy – living things can be accurately described as entropy pumps. As the outside universe slowly decays into uniformity, life evolves into ever more complex and ordered forms. This holds true for consciousness as well: the next step in human evolution is general awareness of how inescapably we are bound to each other, and to all life. When enough of us know this so strongly that we begin to act as a species, we will have transcended the current stage of our existence. The next will be defined not by our fears and limitations, but by our highest aspirations and values.